Sunday, July 22, 2007

What a week full of b.s.

Vick, Donaghy, Chambers, Beckham, Garcia, and Pacman all of these gentlemen have issues. some more than others...where do we start first? Lets start with Pacman naaa that's a waste of time. So that brings us to a cheater. Mr Donaghy cmon kid what in there hell are you thinking bout! I prolly lost money on some games that you ref'd. Mr Stern the slickest get your way commish in the biz just washed his hands in blood money. Mr. stern is already on my list as it is from the Suns fiasco this year, now he's gotta distance the NBA from this issues but he can't cause he is caught smack dab in the middle.
One of my friends is an NBA and he is straight up when it comes to what goes on in the league. No matter what anyone says I know in my heart that Stern had something to do with the Bucks losing the Eastern Conference finals in 2001. I am sure that he gave the word to the refs to call that series so that Philly would end up meeting with the Lakers that year for the title. He felt a mid-level Midwestern team wouldn't draw a great tv rating. More worried about ratings than true competition. So what will Mussolini do to the league this year to cover his ass?
Speaking of ass lets talk about Sergio. You have a put that you go screwed on twice and an Irish man who got his lucky charms in his pockets. Padraig did what he had to do and Sergio didn't. When you got that steak in your hands you gotta drive that sucka home no questions asked. So when Padraig dumped his in the water twice and Sergio knowing this didn't take advantage of the gift. Dumping his second shot in the green side bunker left him with a par putt at best. His missed a pressure putt but made the come backer to force ot. Padraig put the hammer down on Serge and cost me about 20.00 on a one hole bet nuff said.
Then there is David Beckham. I watched the entire game last night on ESPN man did you see Katie Holmes? That hair style was haute and she was even hotter. Eva and Posh were chillin all night hell even KG was at the game Nike prolly paid him to be there. Beckham's anticipation was not hype but good help to a team that needs it. The game play was great to watch although LA needs to work on their attacking a lil better than the shortage of shots on goal attempts that they had last night. David did a lot of hopping around but gave a good effort for running on a bad wheel. LA should be very interesting this summer.
Chris Chambers...bruh they got you in NC drinkin and drivin...lord lord lord cmon on playa you know better than that. Hell get someone to drive you home. Now you might miss a game or two and you know the Dolphins can't afford to do that. Can't pick on him too much cause he went to U of Wisconsin at Madison.
Now all I am gonna say is this...I was gonna let Mic Vick off for the dog fighting cause a lot of people do it, but when I heard how the did those dogs I was like throw the book at em. Not like all of these animal lovers are acting though. They act like he killed everyone and their mama. They act like he was at every fight, they act like he was the killer of man's best friend. He banked the whole deal and this we know. I think for them it's more of a nigga with loot in eyes of white folks who already hate us for gettin paid for what we love to do, just like them but only a whole lot more money. They want to put him under the jail. If I was Mike's PR director/ lawyer I would admit guilt now if he indeed did it and get it over with. Get on the podium and speak from the heart and own up to it. Now the question will be which of his boys will roll over and try to put everything on him. Hell Marcus his brother might be up in it too and you know they are soooo ready to throw his ignorant ass in jail. Mike serves the time now and get's on the field later on next season. Probation may be in the mix depending on Virgina Law, but we'll see about that later.

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