The only people that can really talk stuff about Mr. Bonds are the people that he has done dirty consistently over the years i.e. the local and national media beat writers and sports casters. Otherwise, everyone can just shut up. All of a sudden he’s Mr. Steroids, but if you look at his home run totals for the past ten years he has average about 45 homers a year except for 2001 when he hit 73. He basically got tired or the juiced ball, lack of pitching, and all of the 20 home run averaging guys hitting 40 homers or more that year. People act like all of a sudden he got big. Barry is an yr older than me and I can tell you that I was the same size he was in his rookie season, since then, I have put on 80 pounds. That is roughly 3.8 pounds a year for 20 years. Some put weight on and some don’t. Sammy Sosa was rail thin with a curl back in the late 80’s and look at him now...it’s called getting old.
I think Barry took something and really don’t care because everyone is on something while in competition believe that. Some golfers might have, dip or snuff in the lip...a stimulant. Some runners might dope their blood, football players my just need pain killers all of the time. So if Barry was just keeping up with the Jones’ than what’s the point of getting mad? Is because Barry is black? Or is it old school predominately white sports fans like tradition a lil too much and won’t accept or don’t like to accept that sports records are set to be broken no matter how long it takes by the most capable athlete that thee is at that time. People were hatin’ on Roger Maris something fierce when he went after Babe. Maris, a Caucasian man got no love from mainstream America and that’s a damn shame. Henry Aaron, a southern gentleman got hated on even worse, we know the reason why back then too. I bet you have people hatin’ on thoroughbred horses trying to win the Triple Crown. No one is safe. So this brings us to Barry, is it more of the record being broke or is it the person breaking the record? You decide when we get down to those final dingers. I tend to think that this time it a whole lotta one and a little bit of the other. Regardless of the clear or the cream the man had mad game before that and after that he does as well.
1 comment:
Big Blacque!
Agree in spads!!!!!!
The people I talk to all agree that with age, you put on weight.
Regardless, steriods or not, tanning booths, oiled up for the WWF, if you can't hit the major league curve ball, your not playing in the big show.
Granted, there are guys who still can't hit the major league curve ball, but you can rock up or "roid" up and it still can't make you a better baseball player. You gotta see the ball, hit the ball, field the ball. Can any muscled up WWF or football player say.....turn on a 98mph fastball and send it in the upper deck?
As I see it, steriods are best suited in football. You get big, you can muscle people around, it's a physical sport. Maybe you get to play longer, or maybe, you go out like Oakland Raiders great Matuzak and Lyle Alzado........with big domes and brain cancer. All thanks to the chemical peddlers in the locker rooms.
Barry is a world class donkey to the media and probably some fans, but you can't deny the scoreboard. He hit 40 consistently over his career.
Like you said Big Blacque......scoreboard.
Later or at His Supper
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